Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Big Events

Burn's Night 2009.  The Scots celebrate the birth of Robert Burns the Scottish Bard.  Most of you will know him from his writing of Auld Lang Syne that everyone sings on New Year's Eve.

The presentation that you see being made here is the "Presentation of the Haggis!"  Burns wrote a poem called "To A Haggis" which is always performed at a Burns Night Ceremony.

Above is a link to the poem in case your interested in reading it.


  1. Thanks for sharing a shot of an event I've never seen although I've heard of it!

    Are we talking authentic haggis?

  2. Aye twas a Braw Brit Moonlit Nite begorah! Wee timorous Beasties (The Scots)

  3. Danudin - bite your tongue! Get that "begorah" out of there! This photo brings back fond memories of my two Scottish grandmothers and the cousin who plays bagpipes.

  4. Neat photo! I'd never heard of Burn's Night so thanks for sharing that. I love the bright colors & the presentation.

  5. Great color. I love the costume this man is wearing.

  6. Lorri - yes this is authentic haggis. There is a vendor by the name of Cameron's in New Jersey that makes it here in the US. The only thing that is not authentic is that they can't use the sheep's stomach to package the haggis, they use a large sausage casing.

  7. Cool shot! Thanks for sharing this!

  8. When I was dating my now-husband, my future in-laws served me haggis and single malt whiskey. I was really intent on making a good impression and didn't let on how much I despised either one. I married into the McLeod family shortly after but haven't had the haggis since...

    Love the Burns Night photo you've put in your banner!


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